Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Alrighty folks, it's 2010 and time to update this Company's look, feel and overall essence of Photography! I've been wanting to do an overhaul on my blog and website for a while and for now was able to get the BLOG going...next thing to tackle will be the website. BUT, I love it and I hope you will too so from now on head on over to the new site www.twintyphotography.com/blog

Please Subscribe to this new site so you will receive updated posts and what not. It's located in the top menu bar to the very right. I'll be using this site to post anything and everything like new specials and things going on in the lives of Amy and I as far as photography is concerned. I'm also on facebook so please find me on there and friend me if you'd like. Thanks for all of you blog stalkers...now come on over to the new world :)

Friday, March 19, 2010

Engagement Session inspiration

While perusing all of my Fav bloggers today I came across a newbie... for me at least, Tea Ho of Dreambox Photography. She had a great post about Engagement ideas for the happy couple to think about before their session. I loved how she put it into perspective so I am referencing her blog post today and sharing it with all of you brides to be that read my blog! Hopefully I'll be photographing your Engagement session in the future!

1) Think about things unique to you and loveé. Do you share favorite movies? Books? Hobbies like bicycling, painting, or even collecting stamps? Are you silly? More serious? Bookish? Part of a motorcycle gang? Have a soft spot for kung fu movies? These can all bring some oomph and pizazz to your images!

2) Think about significant places. Are there any places significant to your history like where you had your first kiss or first date? Are there stores you like to frequent together? Parks? Beaches? Your photos will be all the more sentimental for them.

3) How do you picture the Engagement session? Do you want traditional romance? Indie kookiness? Edgy rocker chic? Young professionals? Funky? Light-hearted? Funny? Playful? Modern? A vintage feel? Urban or Country? A mix of both?

4) What to wear? Wear something that is YOU! Wear something that reflects the two of you. Don’t bother sticking to matching khakis and white shirts, unless that’s your gear. If you want to wear bright bright colors, do it! It’ll create a more dynamic photo session. I would,however, suggest that if one person wears a print (floral, stripes, plaid, etc.) that the other person stick to more solid colors to avoid major clash.

Do a little dance and feel free to make some faces! Laugh! Tell jokes! Try to be yourself. Most of all, HAVE FUN. There is no right or wrong while taking these photos because they are all about YOU!!!

Have a fabulous weekend!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Sword fights and princesses, Frisco Children Photographer

Let's just start out by saying I love Michaels Arts and Craft Store, not only because I worked at their corporate office in Irving but they really have some great stuff. I found an isle full of $1 items and boy did I go nuts....best purchase EVER. So when I knew I would have a 4 year old for my shoot on Sunday I was so excited to test out some of my new props. Hahahaha, in the end I think Amy had the most fun. Her new job title is Assistant Sword Fighter....she was awesome keeping Mr. Parker entertained while we got some shots of his little sister Taylor who is 6 months old.

She was such a happy baby, her mom had the cutest vision in mind to show her little tooshie from behind and even her brother was helping us place her at the right angle and straighten out her scarf to capture this beauty.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

What a doll, Austin Newborn Photographer

I am so pleased to introduce to you my Boss's daughter Valerie. She is the ultimate baby doll with such porcelain skin and pink little lips and sparkling blue eyes. She was exactly 1 month old at our session on Sunday and her momma and daddy are just full of happiness. Her mom had this bassinet that has been handed down many generations and I thought it was so cute and creative how she decorated it with flowers and baby's breath. More babies to come soon but I thought she would bring a smile to your day :)

Monday, March 15, 2010

Carter College Bound, Plano Senior Photographer

Hottie alert! Ladies be on the lookout for this freshman Aggie next semester! Senior guys are a hoot to photograph....it's like a mission to make them have some kind of fun while they are there because you know the only reason they are doing this is because they were probably threatened by their mom :). If he wasn't having fun he fooled me. Carter was so easy going and even changed into different outfits just for us! You rock!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Miss Hunter, Dallas Newborn Photographer

Finally, I've been patiently waiting to meet this bundle of joy. We did her mommy's maternity pictures back in December and low and behold miss Hunter just couldn't wait to her due date and was nearly a month early I believe.

She was just precious! I saw quite a few newborns this weekend so it's going to be baby overload on this blog but who doesn't love an adorable baby :)

This is the same blanket we used for her mommy's maternity pictures. I swear Carla is the hippest new mommy with a house full of eclectic vintage pieces with years of memory.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Brittanie, Austin Senior Photographer

Miss Brittanie was so much fun to photograph this past weekend. Lucky for me, their football team lost so we got to keep her portrait session and it was a great day to be out and about on the town. They came all the way from my hometown of Portland, Texas! That's right goooooo Wildcats!

I took her over to the Cathedral of Junk....I know I know, it's my favorite place it seems but it's such a cool place and a hidden treasure for those that live here. Then we headed downtown and out to Mueller airport. She rocked all my locations like I knew she would and Amy and I couldn't wait to get home and look at the images. Hope you guys like! Congrats in everything you do Brittanie!

Mom, I think it's time your Texas girl needs some cowboy boots...she's a natural.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Austin High Red Jackets, Austin Senior Photography

One of our favorite subjects to photograph are highschool seniors...they are so full of energy and all about being different. Amy and I helped photograph the Austin High Red Jackets this past weekend for their annual Spring Show magazine. SOOOOO MUCH FUN! Here are some of my favorites.

Congrats girls!!! Ya'll were awesome